Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms to Detect RPL-Based IoT Devices Vulnerability

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6LoWPAN is an open standard established by IETF to support communication with 802.15.4 devices. It works with the IPv6 protocol over a low-power wireless personal space network. This protocol supports WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) devices such as BLE, low-power RD, low-power Wi-Fi, etc.WPAN devices need a compliance layer to accommodate variable address lengths, limited packet size, low bandwidth, etc. 6LoWPAN protocol application provides a solution to this problem area with head compression. This header compression feature reduces various overheads (i.e. fragmentation overhead and transmission overhead) and provides satisfactory support for IP communication of IoT devices. (Shelby &bormann, 2009 1)The architecture of the 6LoWPAN mesh network is in Figure 2.4. The 6LoWPAN network consists of routers (R) and hosts (H). Hosts are endpoint devices that send data to routers that ultimately route the received data to the destination nodes. The target device can be a 6LoWPAN device within the network or any IP-based device outside the WPAN network. The 6LoWPAN network connects to the IPv6 network by implementing the 6LoWPAN end router. The Internet gateway device is the IPv6 router to which different IP-based devices, PCs, and servers, are connected. Data exchange between WPAN devices and IP-based devices on the Internet is possible with the 6LoWPAN end router. (Raj &raman, 2017 2)
Figure 2.4 6LoWPAN Network Architecture

RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks)

Since the subject of this thesis study is “comparing machine learning methods that can be used to detect attacks on RPL-based internet of things devices,” the RPL protocol will be focused a little more.

RPL is short for “Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks”. The RPL protocol is a network layer protocol created by IETF in March 2012 to enable devices to operate on low-power and lossy networks. (Winter, et al., March 2012 3)

IoT devices have limited processing power, memory, and generally limited energy because they work on batteries. Therefore, it is inevitable that these devices will connect cost-effectively and use their limited resources most effectively. Moreover, suppose there are multiple IoT devices in the environment. In addition, these networks can contain thousands of nodes. They must be modeled by connecting point to multipoint or multipoint to point, not point to point, to use limited resources effectively. The origin of the RPL protocol arises from this idea.

In order to understand the RPL protocol, it is necessary to understand the terms.


DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph): Directed acyclic graph. It is the orientation of n nodes to each other so that they do not form a closed loop. The example is shown in a DAG Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 Sample DAG.

DAG Root: Target of nodes in DAG. In the example in Figure 2.5, the node “E” is the DAG root. It does not go to another node.

DODAG (Destination-Oriented DAG): A particular type of DAG in which each node wants to achieve a single goal. DODAG and other definitions are seen in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 DODAG and Other Terms.

DODAG Root: The root to which the nodes of each resulting DODAG are connected.

Virtual DODAG root: A Virtual DODAG root results from two or more RPL routers; for example, 6LoWPAN Boundary Routers (routers) coordinate to synchronize DODAG state on low-power and lossy networks and act together, such as a single DODAG root (with multiple interfaces).

Up: Any edge directed towards the root.

Down: Any edge that is oriented away from the root.

Rank: The distance of a node to the DODAG root. Rank increases downwards and falls upwards. Rank is calculated based on DODAG’s Target Function.

Objective Function (OF): A function determines how far a node is from the root. Here the concept of distance is determined by the programmer or designer. Here “distance” is the parameter that we must minimize the grip. This parameter can be energy or latency.

Objective Code Point (OCP) An OCP is an identifier that specifies which Target Function DODAG uses.

RPLInstanceID: An RPL Instance ID is a unique identifier within a network. DODAGs with the same RPL event ID share the same target function.

RPL Instance: An RPL Instance is one or more DODAG sets that share an RPL event ID. Each RPL event runs independently of other RPL events. At most, an RPL node can belong to a DODAG in an RPL Instance.

DODAGID: The DODAG ID is the identifier of a DODAG root. It is unique as part of an RPL Example in DODAGID, LLN (Low-Power and Lossy Networks). Each DODAG has an IPv6 ID (128-bit). This identity is exported only to the DODAG root and does not change unless the root id changes.

DODAG Version: A DODAG Version is a specific iteration of a DODAG with a specific DODAGID. Each new form of DODAG means a new version.

DODAG Version Number: DODAG Version Number is a sequential counter that is increased by the root to create a new Version of a DODAG. A DODAG Version is uniquely identified by the title (RPL Event ID, DODAG ID, DODAG Version Number).

Goal: The goal is where a DODAG wants to reach. It can be a wired or wireless network. The goal is different from the Purpose function. Our goal in the purpose function is to minimize. However, Target is where we want to go.

Grounded: A DODAG is grounded when the DODAG root can satisfy the Goal. Floating: DODAG swims if not grounded. A floating DODAG is not expected to have the necessary features to meet the goal. However, it can provide connections to other nodes in DODAG.

DODAG parent: The parent is where the arrows point. A child is where the arrow comes from. Parents can have more than one child. Similarly, a child can have more than one parent.

Sub-DODAG: A subtree of a specific DODAG.

Local DODAG: Local DODRIes contain only one root node, allowing that single root node to allocate and manage an RPL Instance identified by a local RPL Event ID without coordination with other nodes. Typically, this is done to optimize routes to a destination within the LLN.

Global DODAG: Global DODAG is DODAG with RPL Event ID, which can be coordinated across many other nodes.

Stored: Stored nodes save all routing table information. These nodes know only their parent nodes.

Non-Stored: They are simple and do not store any routing table; they only know their parents.

Below are the terms for messages sent between nodes.

DIO:(DODAG Information Object): This message is multicasted downward. A specific node in a DODAG multicasts this message to let you know if other nodes are grounded or stored.

DIS (DODAG Information Solicitation-DODAG Request information): When the announcement is not heard, and a node wants to join a DODAG, it sends a control message to know if there is any DODAG for it.

DAO (DODAG Advertisement Object-DODAG Announcement Object): A request sent by a child node to the parent node or root. A node requests permission to join a DODAG as a child node with this message.

DAO-ACK (DODAG Advertisement Object Acknowledgement): A response sent to the child by a root or parent can be Yes or No. (Winter, et al., March 2012 1)

How the RPL Protocol Works

The root is a particular node in DODAG. Not all nodes have the ability to be rooted in DODAG.

Let us have a DODAG of A, B, C, D, E, F, and G nodes. A node is the root node. The offsets of the other nodes are B=1, C=1, D=5, E=8, F=8, G=9, respectively. in this case, the following steps will be

  • Node A, primarily designated as the root node, broadcasts a DIO message to all nodes, as shown in Figure 2.7.
Figure 2.7: Publication of the DIO Message.
  • B, C, D, E, F, and G nodes will start creating DODAG after receiving DIOs. Along with the DIO message, these nodes also learn that their distance from A is 1,1,3,4,4,4,6, respectively.
  • Then, the B, C, D, E, F, and G nodes transmit the DAO message to A, as in figure 2.8.
Figure 2.8 Publication of the DAO Message.
  • A sends the DAO-ACK message to all nodes and accepts all nodes. This makes a DODAG, as in figure 2.9.
Figure 2.9 DAO-ACK Message and DODAG Formation.
  • After this stage, the nodes with the lowest rank behave like roots, and the above processes are repeated. B and C send DIO messages to other nodes, as shown in Figure 2.10, thereby determining the node distances to them.
Figure 2.10 DIO Message Submission of new nodes.

In the new case, the distance of the D, E, F, G nodes to node B is 2,3,5,6, respectively. To node C, the distance of the D, E, F, and G nodes shall be 3,5,4,7, respectively.

  • When D, E, F, and G nodes receive DIO messages, they understand the distance between nodes B and C that send DIO messages. D, E sends a DAO message to node B because G nodes are closer to node B than node C. Because node F is closer to node C than node B, it sends a DAO message to node C. Thus, nodes B and C send a DAO-ACK message, and new DODAG is created. This process continues until DODAG is completed, as shown in Cycle Figure 2.11.
Figure 2.11 New DODAG Formation.
  • In the next step, node D, which has the lowest rank, will send a DIO message, and the cycle will continue until the most costly path is found. The latest status is shown in Figure 2.12
Figure 2.12 Completion of DODAG.
  • If a new node wants to join DODAG, that node sends a DIS message to DODAG. After DODAG receives this message, the DIO message is sent, distances are calculated, the new node sends a DAO message, DODAG accepts or rejects the new node with the DAO-ACK message. Sending the DIS message by the new node is shown in Figure 2.13 and Figure 2.14, which is the creation of the new DODAG by sending DAO, DAO-ACK messages. (Winter, et al., March 2012)
Figure 2.13 Transmission of DIS and DIO Messages.
Figure 2.14 DAO, DAO-ACK Messages and New DODAG Formation.

Other Information about the RPL Protocol

As a standout feature of DODAG, it is possible to say that it has only one root node, other nodes contain information about the parent node, but no node contains information about the child nodes.

The RPL protocol uses the IPv6 protocol.


1. Shelby, Z., & Bormann, C. (2009). 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet. UK: WILEY. (Back)

2. Raj, P., & Raman, A. (2017). The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases. New York: CRC Press. (Back)

3. Winter, T., Thubert, P., Brandt, A., Hui, J., Kelsey, R., Levis, P., . . . Alexander, R. (Mart 2012). RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks. Internet Engineering Task Force. (Back)

Blog summary

Since the subject of this thesis study is "comparing machine learning methods that can be used to detect attacks on RPL-based internet of things devices," the RPL protocol will be focused a little more.

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Murat Ugur KIRAZ


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