Simulation and Raw Data

Under this title, experiments will be conducted on Flooding Attacks, Version Number Increase Attacks and Decreased Rank Attacks that may occur in the RPL protocol and a data set will be created. For this purpose, the following stages will be followed:

Attacks on the RPL Protocol

Detailed information about the RPL protocol is given in the protocol layers section of the thesis. In this section, the attacks implemented in the RPL protocol will be discussed.
RPL has many parameters due to its structure. DIS messages, DAO Messages, Version number, tree structure etc. Any change in these protocol parameters will be an attack as it will prevent the system from functioning properly. This section shows the attacks made on the RPL protocol.


Since the subject of this thesis study is “comparing machine learning methods that can be used to detect attacks on RPL-based internet of things devices,” the RPL protocol will be focused a little more.

Other Protocols

Since the thesis topic includes the RPL protocol, protocols other than RPL and 6LoPWAN are explained in this section. These are: CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol), DDS (The Data Distribution Service), MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) and XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), Multicast Domain Name System, Domain Name System Service Discovery, Infrastructure Layer Protocols, Physical Link Layer Protocols, EPCglobal, Z-wave
Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE),
IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.11ah, ZigBee
Long-term Evolution, Advanced (LTE-A)
Network / Routing Layer Protocols.

General Information

This blog page provides general information about IoT devices.
Keywords : RPL, Machine Learning, Flooding Attacks, Version Number Increase Attacks, Decreased Rank Attacks


In this section, the introduction part of the thesis, the aim of the thesis and literature review are included.

Keywords : RPL, Machine Learning, Flooding Attacks, Version Number Increase Attacks, Decreased Rank Attacks

Preliminary Information

This post contains the originality report, ethical statement, dedication, preface, and summary sections of my master’s thesis.

Keywords : RPL, Machine Learning, Flooding Attacks, Version Number Increase Attacks, Decreased Rank Attacks